Track record
Since 2007
Experience is an essential building block for success. And so our wealth of experience grows continuously with acquisitions, project development and transactions. The following track record gives an overview of the acquisitions, project developments and transactions off-market real estate we have successfully implemented to date.
08. Offices
155.000 m2 - GLA
376 Mio. €
Acquisition, transaction management
03. Residentials
766 - Apartment
26 Mio. €
Acquisition, project development, transaction management
03. Retail parks
51.000 m2 - GLA
30 Mio. €
Acquisition, transaction management
26. Hotels
4.988 - Keys
655 Mio. €
Acquisition, project development, transaction management
04. Senior residences
463 - Beds
83 Mio. €
Acquisition, project development, transaction management
12. Plots
Hotels, Offices, Residentials, Logistics